
Sherlock Holmes on the Radio Airwaves

A Digital Remediation and Analysis

Welcome to Sherlock Holmes on the Radio Airwaves: A Digital Remediation and Analysis

This website serves as the digital project portion to my Schreyer's Honors Thesis.

Thesis Proposal : Overview

The thesis investigates the radio scripts on “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” from the 1930s to 1950s. It builds on an XML-based project in which the analysis and outcome will be documented on a website. The project will incorporate text analysis approaches such as natural language processing and will use XML-based languages such as SVGs (scalable vector graphics) for the presentation of data. The project would include an interactive representation of the radio scripts, with both visual and audio archives. The first research question I want to investigate is: how were the roles of the British society reflected in the way Holmes was called or hailed, by his peers, colleagues, government officials, the general public? This part of my analysis will build on the Marxist theories of ideology and interpellation by Louis Althusser, to investigate roles in the British society that are not common in the US and the language used in reflecting the social rank and authority of such roles. The second part of the analysis would investigate the question of how the production of the Sherlock Holmes series has evolved, starting from Arthur Conan Doyle’s writings, starting from the 1890s to more recent productions up until the early 21st century. The last research question I would like to investigate is: what was the language used to describe crime and the society at the time of the radio scripts?

Interpellation Network: Overview